There are a few things I have added to my sewing room in the recent past that have changed my sewing and MY LIFE!! Ok, maybe a bit overdramatic, but they have been awesome so I figure I should share. The rest of the world probably already knows they just forgot to tell me about it. :)
*An awesome pair of scissors for FABRIC CUTTING ONLY!!! I caught my hubby with them outside while he was putting Christmas lights up - not a good moment for him. ;)
*Chalk. HELLO! Where have I been? Sewing chalk makes life so much easier. It helps for cutting straight and adding markings from patterns onto the material. You won't find me without it again.
*A quilter's ruler. I have never REALLY done quilting per se, but this ruler is for so much more than quilting. My son likes to take it from my sewing room to play with, and I gotta say I love it that much that I get a little antsy about it.

*A serger. My serger is incredibly basic and inexpensive. Normally I am not a fan of Singer, but serger's are CA-RAZY expensive except for this bad boy. It cost 200 bucks I think - which yes is not cheap-cheap, but it IS serger cheap. Works like a charm, and the feeling of having full-on finished projects with professional looking edges ROCKS!

*A bobbin organiser. Before this, I had one of those annoying plastic cases - which I might add I have never seen a purchased one that wasn't broken in some way. Anyway, the case bugged me to no end. Now, I just keep them next to my machine for easy grabbin'. Love it.

I have wanted one of these thread organisers FOREVER, and finally found one at Michaels. One day when my sewing room walls aren't concrete I will have it tidily hanging on my wall.
Also, I should mention if you find this:
kicking around in the "75% off cause we're already 2 months into 2011" bin BUY IT! I love it, and hope to make so many of the projects in it. I have bookmarked at least half of them. I apologize for my excessive use of capitals in this post, I guess I'm a little excited.
While we're on the sewing room, here are a couple more little glimpses of mine. I would REALLY love to peek inside other's creative corners/spaces so if you're so inclined let's see some sewing room posts!! And PLEASE, pretty please don't forget to come back here and link me there so I don't miss out!