Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend with friends and family and WAY too many sweets! The sun came out just in the nick of time on Good Friday, so that we could enjoy watching Levi look for eggs.

I picked up a huge bag of plastic refillable eggs at the thrift store for two bucks a while back. They will be perfect for reusing each year. I plan to purchase a nice basket for each child to put their special Easter treats in every Easter, but I didn't quite get around to it this time around. I like Tonya's idea from Plain and Joyful Living to hide eggs with coins in them. We hesitate to give too many sweets, and Levi has yet to experience chocolate that isn't in the form of a glass of milk. We filled his eggs with Cheddar bunnies, dried cranberries, teddy grahams, and small ginger cookies. He was quite happy chowing down on those goodies throughout the day.

Opening a gift mailed from Grandma and Grandpa

No eggs for this little guy, but it didn't stop him from flashing his sweet little smile several times over!

While uploading, I discovered there were about 30 photos that were not taken by me. I figure these chubby little toes will lead us to the photographer...

Another tasty dinner with family was to be had on Saturday, followed by church on Sunday, and a couple of good long walks which I have been needing for a while. With another week of rain ahead of us, I'm sure glad we were able to squeeze those in.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! Happy Easter xo


  1. Your little ones look so sweet! Glad you had a lovely Easter and I hope your week is just as lovely.
    PS: There is a wee one here who like taking pictures of her toes too!

  2. Love the pictures,both boys looks so smiley and cute. Miss you even more than usual when there is a holiday. xo

  3. He looks so great in his pants!!! I love them!
