Thursday, January 13, 2011

In The Works

I'm working my way through THE list. I have no illusions of completing said list, but I sure do like having one to remind me of all the things I would love to do. Besides, it sure does feel good when something is checked off!

I've completed the book sling - #16 of my goals.

I have a nightly routine of weaving the ends in to my epic blanket (#15) note to self: (Everyone else is probably smart enough to know this already!) weave in ends AS YOU GO!! Man it sucks, but I will not be deterred. A couple finished ends each evening and then one night, suddenly, it will all be complete.

I have finished one of the two pairs of pants (#5) for my little boys - to be revealed when the pair can share the limelight.


I'm actually learning how to knit socks (#23). I have signed up for a three week course at my local yarn store which I started last night. All seemed to be going well, until I realized just moments ago that I have several more stitches kicking around on my needles than I started with - I really have no idea what to do with that, and I just can't see where it all went wrong. As it was fairly daunting to get into a rhythm I am very, very afraid to take it apart, but I suppose I may have to.

How are your New Year's Resolutions working out for ya?


  1. You'll love making socks. It's my absolute favorite thing to knit. I've been knitting for over 40 years but I started knitting socks in 2007 and have never stopped. You'd love all the resources (did I mention free?) on It's a wonderful community. I'm knittinmar on there.

    Great blog, by the way!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I am really enjoying knitting this pair so I can see myself doing it again - though I'm barely through the cuff!! :) Thanks for stopping by Marilyn!
