I AM addicted to, and missing out on valuable sleep in the early night hours due to, Jack Bauer and his crazy antics in Season 7.
I AM drinking a lot of
Earth Mama Angel Baby Milkmaid tea and loving it.
I AM reading
this amazing blog which I discovered through this
other amazing blog. Man I love this world of bloggers. Isn't it cool how it has created role models, inspiration and a kind of celebrity, out of both working and stay-at-home mamas, and normal awesome chicks everywhere??!
I AM pining for these amazing pants which I WILL buy the
pattern for, and then my pining will be instead for some time when I can sew them!

image borrowed from Burdastyle.com
I AM so into adding a teaspoon or so of vanilla to my pancake mix thanks to one of my sisters-in-law.
I AM having fun with my baby boys at the
Early Years Centre, which is awesomely free (for all you Ontario based mamas out there).
I AM looking forward to voting on May 2nd.

image borrowed from testcanada.com
And even moreso...
I AM REALLY looking forward to a flight at the end of May to visit my family, where I can properly introduce the newest member of our clan, and where they can get to know Levi at this oh so hilarious, and sometimes rowdy stage of his life.
I AM eating TOO much
Lindor Dark Chocolate which
IS what we probably will be eating in heaven.
I AM happy for moments of beauty amidst these days of rainfall. It is spring after all! Time to let it be, and enjoy it while it's here.
I AM tired, oh SO tired but
I AM love, love, LOVING being a mama twice over!!
Happy Thursday!
What are you up to?